In the Philippines, efforts to promote health and nutrition, resilient agriculture practices, peatland conservation, and publishing of knowledge materials raised the profile of IIRR’s work. Recently, the Department of Education recognized IIRR for its significant contribution to creating a healthy environment for schoolchildren and addressing malnutrition through mainstreaming school gardening and school crop museums.
Together with partners, IIRR successfully organized three important national events in the second half of 2019. These are the National Convention on Nutrition-Sensitive Programming to unify cross-sector efforts to fight the alarming state of malnutrition; the 28th Annual Philippine Biodiversity Symposium in Leyte, Philippines hosted by IIRR Leyte Sab-a Peatland Forest Restoration Initiative Project and the Biodiversity Conservation Society of the Philippines which emphasizes the value of peatlands as a critical ecosystem; and an exhibition display of lessons and experiences from the implementation of Climate-Resilient Agriculture (CRA) initiatives across the country during the 12th Global Warming and Climate Change Consciousness Week Celebration led by the Climate Change Commission.
IIRR Asia’s Acting Regional Director and Philippine Country Director Emily Monville-Oro represented the Civil Society Organizations at the Scaling Up Nutrition Global Gathering in November in Nepal to emphasize that nutrition is a non-negotiable right. She noted that IIRR and civil societies commit to a healthier and better-nourished country.