In early January 2020, an outbreak of a new coronavirus disease in Hubei Province, China was declared by the World Health Organization to be a Public Health Emergency of International Concern. Consequently, the WHO stated that there was a high risk of coronavirus (COVID-19) spreading to other countries.
During the 2014 Ebola epidemic, IIRR’s partnerships with DFID and UNICEF were vital in strengthening rural health systems. Similarly, other infectious disease outbreaks have required us to provide training to our partners such as World Vision, Save the Children, and Care International to assist us in reaching the most marginalized.
IIRR’s Capacity to Respond
Importantly, our six decades of experience allows us to deliver effective long-term support after disasters. As a result, we were well-equipped to bolster our response efforts to the COVID-19 crisis, specifically focusing on health, livelihoods, and disaster risk management within vulnerable communities.