The aim is to bring back 1,000 girls who for economic or social reasons dropped out or threatened to drop out of school and keep them in school. IIRR aims to achieve this goal through a special project called Goats4Girls.
Girls in danger of dropping out of school for economic or social reasons are selected by parents, teachers, and IIRR local partner organizations. Each girl receives 2 mature goats and parents often match with an additional goat, but parents unable to match are not required to do so. One goat can give birth twice in a year, often twins, and sometimes triplets. Each girl passes on the first 2 young goats to another selected girl and the process continues. The goats can be sold to pay for school expenses and other essential costs.
The gift of goats enables girls to continue school without pressure to drop out. It frees them from the pressure of a forced or arranged early marriage, and the suffering of bearing multiple children at a young age. Instead, girls earn respect, dignity, self-reliance, and self-worth. Your gift of a goat fosters a culture of giving and elicits the hard work necessary to excel in school. Girls can then become role models in their communities. By your donation of $60 you guarantee a girl to return back to school and keep learning. If you donate $30, it will be matched by another contributor. You could also contribute any amount you are able to. The more you donate, the sooner you enable more deserving girls to get back to school.